About Us


At CBI, you will find a partner committed to helping you to prevent risks and build trust.

Established in 1996, Central Business Information Limited (CBI) is a global business information company that operates in Hong Kong China, Mainland China, and 214 countries and regions, providing a comprehensive range of services. Our offerings include Enhanced Due Diligence, Business Credit, Employment Screening, Asset Search, Business Verification and Site Investigation, catering to various business sectors and industries. Our accurate, up-to-date, and extensive business intelligence consistently assists clients in making informed decisions and taking appropriate actions.


CBI currently operates seven well-established offices, with our headquarters in Hong Kong and additional offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi'an (China), Penang (Malaysia), and London (United Kingdom). Our workforce comprises over three hundred highly skilled professionals, each leading their respective departments with extensive experience and expertise.


We collaborate with our clients to develop innovative services that leverage technology, expertise, and industry knowledge. Our diverse product portfolio and expansive geographical coverage, coupled with our ongoing post-sale services, provide us with a competitive advantage. Additionally, our in-house IT division has developed the most advanced integrated system in the industry, enabling us to efficiently collect, process, and analyze business and individual information.


Over the years, our professionalism has earned us the status of a preferred partner for the world's largest audit and accounting firms, law firms, investment institutions, commercial banks, listed companies, and government authorities.


At CBI, we are dedicated to assisting our clients in establishing a secure and impartial business environment through our streamlined and focused information services.

What We Do
Assisting our clients in making business decisions is a key part of our mission. We strongly believe that our primary role in this area is to deliver a full range of accurate business information in a time-efficient and cost effective manner.

We offer coherent strategic solutions in gathering information for any business looking to gain a competitive advantage in the market.


In an age when seconds count and information rules, we are committed to beating the clock and empowering our clients with credible information.

Who We Serve
Meet Our Clients

We have a strong network globally and our work covers Hong Kong China, Mainland China and over 214 countries and regions around the world. Over the years, we have successfully built a strong client base which includes the world's largest C.P.A. firms, law firms, investment institutions, commercial banks, listed companies and government authorities who have been counting on us for quality business information.


About Us


CBI retrieves fresh data from credible and official sources. We are committed to accurately reflecting realities and identifying risks while complying with data privacy laws and regulations for all data retrieval, control, and processed worldwide.
  • By complementing reliable data together with local insights and experiences, we support businesses in conducting better risk assessment and making well-informed decisions. Our products are designed first and foremost with clients' objectives in mind, with information being structured and prioritized, enabling easy processing of relevant findings. CBI offers a full range of solutions to address the needs of different users across an organization.

    CBI always take the privacy and security of individuals and their personal information very seriously. With increasing public concern about data privacy, we continuously observes the latest updates to global regulations and ensures our work complies with the highest standards of the world’s major economies.


Our Strengths
  • Solid Foundation
  • Strong Clientele
  • Extensive Global Coverage
  • Technical & Compliance Advisory
imgSolid Foundation

Solid Foundation

  • Strong reputation built over 25+ years of professionalism
  • In-house production team comprising over 130 specialists in Mainland China, Hong Kong China, Penang Malaysia and London UK
  • In-house technology development and innovation divisions
imgStrong Clientele

Strong Clientele

  • Over 3,000 clients from the world's largest C.P.A. firms, law firms, investment institutions, commercial banks, listed companies and government authorities
imgExtensive Global Coverage

Extensive Global Coverage

  • Global coverage across 284 overseas regions in 214 countries
  • Service capacity covering 687 cities, 31 provinces and autonomous regions in Mainland China
imgTechnical & Compliance Advisory

Technical & Compliance Advisory

  • Professional team to personalize IPO due diligence direction and scope
  • Compliance and quality control
  • Professional advice and training
Our Structure
We currently operate seven established offices with Headquarters in Hong Kong, six offices located in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi’an of China, Penang Malaysia and London United Kingdom with over three hundred staff members. Each department is led by highly experienced and knowledgeable professionals.
Our Mission
Our Mission
Our Goals
We constantly boost our service standards to achieve three primary goals for our clients.
Our Values
Our Values
Our Coverage
Global Coverage

With our secure network of partners covering 214 countries, we pride ourselves in our ability to coordinate and quickly mobilize resources to plan and execute large scale on-site due diligence projects across multiple jurisdictions within tight time constraint.

Our Coverage
Coverage in China

With our strong local expertise and more than 20 years of experience operating in Mainland China, we offer a wide range of due diligence products, combining technology and our industry knowledge, uniquely designed for businesses in the local market. Our service capacity covering over 687 cities, 31 provinces and autonomous regions.

Our Coverage
Our Presence

Setting off from a Hong Kong based foundation, CBI's team from 13 places of business excelled in services, leaving footprints in 214 countries across the globe, embracing different culture, offering integrated professional duediligence services to multinational and multicultural clients. 

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Our Technology
  • CBI Portals
  • CBI Mega Terminal
imgCBI Portals

CBI Portals

Innovation and technology play a critical role in the success of modern business. We reform communication, operation, and collaboration by implementing the latest technology to CBI portals which cater both internal and external needs.

  • All-rounded internal portal for our team to perform research works in automatic and efficient ways. Streamlining our workflows and process in a centralized portal, to accelerate progress and allocate resources for better cause.
  • Advanced client portal to bring a brand-new collaborative experience to our valuable clients, we maintain agility and modify features to suit market needs.


CBI SKY is a web-based collaborative portal where all parties involved in a project can communicate, share and collaborate. It is the key to efficient project management that allows our clients to enjoy various key features anytime free-of-charge.

  • Consolidated Order Records & Invoices – view all your order status and invoices with just one click
  • Real-Time Report Updates – download reports anytime without email size limitation
  • Track Changes – access older versions of your reports and track changes along the way
  • Multiple User Access – provide access to projects across different parties upon request
  • Key Market News – stay abreast of the latest industry news


CBI MAP is a comprehensive IPO market tracking database allowing clients to access the platform and search for the latest activities of IPO applicants and sponsors quickly. It is an essential tool for sponsors to find references and conduct comparable analysis when working on IPO projects.

  • Company database with complete IPO trackrecord from application to listing
  • Categorized data for various analysis needs, such as by industry, business location and professional parties
  • Complete sponsor records including licensing, change of representatives and ROs
  • AI and data grabbing technology to ensure information is fresh and up-to-date
imgCBI Mega Terminal

CBI Mega Terminal

CBI Mega Terminal is an all-around production platform which integrates and centralizes all the research works and workflow. It is designed as a production centre to provide high flexibility and agility in response to the rapid market changes.

  • Product Configuration Platform – Dynamic configuration of products across jurisdictions
  • Content Management – Well-structured system to manage our product contents in a standardized presentation
  • Data Validation – With well-defined data validation rules to eliminate errors or missing information
  • Automation - Automate the data extraction process from different sources to internal database
  • Document Library – Storing all the research related materials in a centralized library
Our Awards
Awards & Achievements
  • ESG Pledge Scheme

    ESG Pledge Scheme

    As a participant in the scheme, CBI is committed to implementing and promoting sustainable development practices. We are dedicated to creating a positive impact on the environment, society, and economy. To fulfil this commitment, we pledge to develop and execute action plans that align with the principles of sustainable development.

  • “Outstanding Corporate & Non-Commercial Organization” and "Top Ten Highest Volunteer Hours“

    “Outstanding Corporate & Non-Commercial Organization” and "Top Ten Highest Volunteer Hours“

    With the continuous contributions from our volunteer committee and colleagues, CBI was awarded the “Outstanding Corporate & Non-Commercial Organization” and "Top Ten Highest Volunteer Hours“ by Hong Kong Volunteer Award for two consecutive years. It is a great recognition and encouragement of our hard work, let’s keep serving the community in the future.

  • Caring Company 2016-2024

    Caring Company 2016-2024

    CBI has been awarded Caring Company for seven consecutive years to acknowledge the company's efforts and contributions for the well-being of the communities and the environment.

  • Good MPF Employer 2014-2023

    Good MPF Employer 2014-2023

    It is the 9th consecutive years for CBI to be honored as a “Good MPF Employer 5 Years+” and presented with the “e-Contribution Award” and “MPF Support Award”. Let's work together to value our retirement protection!

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Achieve Greater with Us

  • It's summer holiday time! CBI volunteer committee partnered with Urban Peacemaker and arranged a movie day for the families living in Tuen Mun. We watched the new Pixar movie "Inside Out 2" and prepared popcorn and soda, the children were so excited! For some families, watching movies at the cinema is a treat they don't often experience, the parents felt great to be able to enjoy such valuable time with their children. Our volunteers also took the opportunity to chat with the families and had an enjoyable time too!

  • CBI volunteer team participated in a painting class at the community center with the elderlies from Chuk Yuen Estate last Saturday. Our volunteers became assistants to the elderly painters, and they were amazed by the creativity of the elderlies with all the great and unique drawings they completed. The activity ended with a wonderful lunch and chat time where our volunteers showed love and care!

  • CBI volunteers visited families living in Tsuen Wan subdivided units. Through 睦福 Urban Peacemaker, our volunteers learned about the living conditions of the families and brought care and blessings to them. For some volunteers, it was their first time visiting a subdivided unit, The families' sharing of the bitter experiences of living in subdivided units also left a deep impression on them. Through these visits, we hope to inspire reflection on how everyone can contribute more to help the underprivilege families.

  • Another blood donation day arranged by Volunteer Committee, thank you our dedicated colleagues for always supporting, donate once and save three lives!

  • It is the second year for CBI Penang team to join the IAPWA Furry Hopes Pet Carnival. Our dedicated team of volunteers separated into three teams and helped with stage set up, general support, and charity haircut support. Through collective efforts, we helped create a memorable and impactful event that celebrated the bond between humans and their furry companions.

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